I-Pi SMARC RB5 Download

I-Pi SMARC RB5 Download

I-Pi SMARC RB5 supports a variety of OS options to help customers get to market quickly and efficiently:

OS Type Image Download Distro & Kernel Version Image Notes

Latest Image: Yocto

Dunfell & 5.15
  • Not supported features: DSI, Audio_R, SPI, Audio_P, CSI, GPU

Latest Image: Ubuntu 20.04 HLOS(ADB Method) (size: 6.5 GB)

Latest Image: Ubuntu 20.04 Non-HLOS(QFIL Method) (size: 3.3 GB)

Kernel Version: 5.4.210
  • The Ubuntu OS is only for evaluation purposes. If it is for commercial use, you need to get a license from Canonical. Canonical's IP policy can be found here: https://ubuntu.com/embedding/faqs

Schematic of I-Pi SMARC Plus Carrier Board (LEC-RB5)

Added for comparison

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