I-Pi SMARC 1200 Download

I-Pi SMARC 1200 Download

I-Pi SMARC 1200 supports a variety of OS options to help customers get to market quickly and efficiently:

OS Type Image Download Distro & Kernel Version Image Notes
Source Code


Yocto Source


Latest Image: Yocto LEC-MTK-1200 (size: 2.2 GB)

All Releases:

Kernel version: 5.15

  • All the features of Yocto are included with the image.

Latest Image: Android LEC-MTK-1200 (size: 5.3 GB)

All Releases:

Kernel version: 5.15

  • Not supported features: Bluetooth

Schematic of I-Pi SMARC Plus Carrier Board (LEC-1200)

Added for comparison

āš Error

Maximum of Three products are allowed for comparision
