wxPython on Debian or Ubuntu

  • We cannot install wxPython4 on Debian. One message stated that wx is not supported on this platform, yet https://packages.debian.org/hu/sid/arm64/python-wxgtkxx exists for this purpose.

    Also tried on Ubuntu18.04 and have not yet succeeded with installing the package.

    We have all the usual dependencies: numpy, six, willow, gtk3.0+.

    Has anyone had success with installing the package?

  • Hi Graham - what error messages do you see when trying to install? Maybe it's just a matter of editing /etc/apt/sources to include the right repository.



    Thanks for getting back to me. Our IT guy is more fluent with linux and was able to install wx. I found it difficult on two other ubuntus and even on raspbian with all its hand-holding availability.

    I bet my next hurdle will be a media package typically requiring gstreamer or such.


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