i2c - freebsd tinkering

  • Hi!

    Noticed in the datasheet that there are some i2c-busses available.
    Am I on a goose chase thinking that I should be able to interface the i2c bus?

    Where can I read more about the hardware details/specifics - Perhaps Im a bit naive, but it seems like I'm missing drivers to support access to the i2c bus in FreeBSD and thought it could be good first "writing drivers" project.

    So far I have read openly available datasheets from Ampere and Adlink. If I understand this correctly Adlink exposes some of the i2c busses on the carrier board for Ampere Altra Dev Kit.

    Would be awesome if someone could point me in the right directions.

    Best regards
    David R

  • Hi David,

      I am so sorry for late reply and we saw the same result from our testing.

    We are working on it, I will let you know if any update.




  • @Anson ooh, you are?
    Been following some related work on the freebsd project site and they seem to have something going for the i2c controller. I breifly tested the FreeBSD current branch and it seems to load something as the controller starts attaching to some driver.

    Do you have a public repo available? Would be awesome to track and test the source out or perhaps pitch in. 

  • Hi David,

      We got something update for the freeBSD I2C problem.

     Kernel community lately committed a patch from Ampere about designware i2c timeout issue.




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