• I Have a imx8mp board and i need to add docker image on the top of yocto image of that can anyone help
    how i proceed further

  • Hi Kumar, 

    Best step to start with this is the docker docs page

    I think in your case you could start with binaries, if this is not working you will have to add the extra layers in the yocto source and re-compile an image.

  • To add a Docker image on top of a Yocto image for your i.MX8MP board, you'll need to modify your Yocto project's recipe to include Docker support and then build a new image. Here's a general guide to get you started:

    Edit the Yocto Recipe: You'll need to modify your Yocto recipe to include Docker support. You can do this by adding the necessary recipes and configurations to your Yocto layers. Typically, you'll need to modify the local.conf file and add the Docker-related configurations.

    Include Docker in Image Recipe: Update your image recipe (*.bb file) to include the Docker package. You can add it as a dependency or include it directly in your image recipe.

    Configure Docker: Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to configure Docker further. This could involve setting up networking, storage options, or other Docker settings. suika game

    Build the Image: After making the necessary changes to your Yocto project, you'll need to build the image. Run bitbake <image-name> to start the build process. This will compile the Yocto layers and recipes, including the Docker support you added.

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