Network booting

  • I am trying to use UEFI to network boot my Eklhart Lake dev kit but I'm not having any success. I've enabled Ipv4 PXE Support in the UEFI settings and set Network boot to the highest prority etc.

    I can boot the device off a USB stick successfully so the board seems otherwise fine. The ethernet connection also works once I have booted into our Linux OS.

    Does the SMART Elkhart Lake board actually support PXE boot? Is there something obvious that I'm missing?

  • Sam, 

    Keep an eye on the download section, we will post a bios with PXE support within a couple of days 

  • It doesn't look like the updated BIOs image is up yet, just checking I haven't missed it / looking in the wrong spot.

  • Hi Sam, please send me a PM, I will send you there the download link .

    LEC-EL 1.07.10 is the last version with PXE support. 

    Sorry for the wait, sometimes silicon vendors are delaying plans a bit.

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